mercoledì 9 novembre 2011

Making apple crumble

After watching the children I decided to have a go and make my own apple crumble.

Let me tell you friends, it was delicious. I will be taking the recipe back to the lighthouse with me when I return from my holidays!


2 commenti:

  1. Gli alunni della III D dicono:
    Ciao Lolly, vediamo che ti stai divertendo!
    Ci piacerebbe avere la ricetta perchè la vorremmo preparare a scuola. Sembra molto buona!!!

    3rd D students said:
    Hello Lolly, we see you are having a funny time there!
    We would like to have the recipe of crumble,we will try to cook it at school. It seems really delicious!

  2. We find on internet the recipe, definitely we try to cook it!
